“A bad day at the office”

Report by Julian Tyley

Whitley Bay assistant manager Barry Rizza summed up the feelings of the home fans when he described the 2-0 defeat against Seaham Red Star as “extremely disappointing”.

“I would say it was a very bad day at the office, but they’ve had two chances and took both chances and that’s what football’s all about, We had a lot of possession. It’s hard when you go one behind because they sit in a bit and are hard to break down, but listen, the chances aren’t falling for us at the moment. It’s not quite clicking in the final third. We’ve had chances today, if one of them goes in it’s a different game all round.”

There was a glorious chance to get back in the game in the final quarter when Meeshi Kanda was four yards out but his header bounced down then looped up over the bar. “Meeshi put his hand up and apologised in the changing rooms which he didn’t need to do, but nine times out of ten Meeshi scores that, it’s harder to miss. And with 15 minutes to go it could have been a different game.

“One of the messages we’re trying to get across is we’d rather get to the by line and get the ball into the box and get numbers in the box. It’s not quite happening, but we’ve been here before, we’ve been through bad patches and then we’ve gone on to win 10/12 in a row.

“The message is clear from us. We need to stick together. We’re not playing bad, we just need to get one good result and I think we’ll kick on from there.

“They’ve had chances that’s fallen to them and they’ve taken them. That’s football, if you take your chances you’re going to win games.”

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