Dan Gladstone gives his thoughts on the victory over Kendal

Report by Julian Tyley

Goalkeeper Dan Gladstone was voted Whitley Bay’s man of the match by shirt sleeve sponsor Mark Galley, of PersonalisedAndPrinted.com who felt that two big saves in the first half by the Bay keeper were crucial to the outcome of a highly entertaining and competitive contest in which Whitley beat Kendal Town 2-0.

Speaking after the game Dan told us ”The lads dug in, Jake (Forster) up top and Meeshi (Kanda) in the middle just to name a couple of them. They absolutely grafted all game, as they do most games to be fair. Sometimes they don’t get the recognition because they do the running off the ball but it’s only when they don’t play that you tend to realise how much they do.

“I thought all the lads were great and both lads, (Callum Larmouth and Kyle Cockburn) took their goal really well. All the lads of the bench were great too.”

Dan agreed that he didn’t have a great deal to do during the game thanks largely to the defenders in front of him. “No I didn’t, not at all, they got the free kick that I saved but I think it was probably my fault that the free kick was given away. Second half we tucked in, played a bit more long than we tend to and it paid off. I don’t think I had a shot to really save in the second half.”

Kendal had looked the better side in the opening 20 minutes but Whitley’s first goal changed things. “Yes, agreed, we were better after the first goal. Goals bring confidence and Cal’s always going to get 20-25 a season. Even when he doesn’t play well he’ll get goals, and the lads who come off the bench as well.”

There was always the chance that Kendal would get back in the game as Dan pointed out. “Just because they’re not hitting the target in the second half doesn’t mean they’re not going to hit one that bangs in the top corner. But we’ve got Joe there, George at right back, Micky at the back. Meeshi and Jake in our box and their box winning everything in the air. We’re a team that knows how to dig in.

“It was a great reaction to the disappointment of Tuesday at West Auckland. I definitely think the lads felt hard done by on Tuesday. It felt like they’d snatched the goal on the edge of half time and then they managed the game well and we just haven’t managed to grab one, but it was a great reaction today. I thought everyone was great.

“So yes a deserved win, second half they haven’t really troubled me. A couple of crosses in to the box, balls over the top, nothing too major. The lads in front of me have narrowed most of their chances down.

“I think wins breed confidence and all the lads knew that things were going to turn. We won our first game v Whickham then had a few dodgy results like Redcar, Newton Aycliffe in the FA Cup, but everyone in that dressing room knew that things were going to change. I’m not saying we’ve done anything yet. It’s only a win at home. It looks good but it means nothing. We’ve got to keep doing it but all the lads know that we’re capable, Jay knows, Rizza knows. They know what the lads are capable of. A lot of managers would get a bit shaky and bring other lads in straightaway but as I say, Jay and Rizza know what the lads can do.

“I know, the lads feel we seem to be travelling every single week so to have a few Saturdays and Tuesdays back at Hillheads is a great, especially for me as I live two minutes way down the road!”


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